When you learn verses, don't just learn them to be able to say I can say these and then you never say them. God's Word is power! Imagine them (His Words) being like bullets towards the enemy.
Bullets of truth brings down the devils lies!
For instance, you have a problem with anger. If you've learned God's Word on this, you can say out loud things like Psalm 37:8 or Proverbs 16:23 that says,A wise man guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction. At first your 'feelings' might get in the way and you 'feel' like this is stupid or it won't work,etc. But that is the devil lying to you so that you won't speak it. He knows they contain power.
God's Word is truth. John 8:31,32.
God's Word does not come back void (empty). Isaiah 55:11
The Lord watches over His Word to perform it. Jeremiah 1:12
The Word of God is a spiritual sword. Hebrews 4:12
Meaning the Word of God is a weapon, so that's why I used the example of bullets.
Let's say you have a problem to forgive someone, you trust in God and repeat "I do not hate or walk in unforgiveness," which is taken from 1 John 2:11 and Eph. 4:32 or another verse that you are led to repeat.
Fear is a big one and one of the first one's I started repeating. 2 Tim. 1:7 "For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
Realize that the battle is in your mind and use the power of God's Words to fight that battle. We have many weapons to fight this battle of good and evil and the 'Word of God' is one of them.
You can also 'shoot bullets' of evil if you are not careful by being hateful, resentful, or judgemental towards people. Talking about them in a negative way has you working for the devil and not God.
Being able to recite Bible scriptures is great and a good start, but you also need to write it on the tablet of your heart(know it down deep in your spirit) so that you can shoot those "bullets" (as I call them),back at the devil and his lies!
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