Thursday, June 18, 2009

God's Stamp of Approval

Romans 5:17 "For if, through the transgression of the one individual, Death made use of the one individual to seize the sovereignty, all the more shall those who receive God's overflowing grace and gift of righteousness reign as kings in Life through the one individual, Jesus Christ". Weymouth

Righteousness- right standing with God.
Dictionary says doing what is right,godly.
First of all you see in the verse above, righteousness is a gift. Gifts are just that. You cannot earn them! When you read the Bible, the 'Good News' which is the Gospel reveals to you how God made you righteous. In the short, Jesus took you on the cross with Him and gave you righteousness (right standing with God). If you have been born again,saved,(accepted Jesus as your Savior)then you are righteous. Don't let the devil tell you any different! You are free from guilt and shame, from the past, inferiority and unworthiness.

Through the shedding of Jesus blood, you have been made right with God. All you have to do now is have faith that this is so. Jesus is sharing with you His place with God. Do not think you can earn it, grow it or feed it. It is a gift. You cannot grow in righteousness.

Don't confuse with self-righteousness. This means you think you are better than everyone else or that you are faultless. You are not faultless.

Look close. There's a big difference. When you are born again (accept Jesus), you are not better than anyone else, you are right with God.
This righteousness is between you and God. It is His 'stamp of approval' on you. A gift to cherish. Everyone in Christ has this 'gift', this 'right' standing with God.

As another version of the Bible says "and the gift of His approval will rule in life because of one person", that person being Jesus Christ.

Haven't accepted Jesus into your life as your Savior? It's pretty easy. All you have to do is be honest and heartfelt and say "Jesus, I need you. I believe in you. Please come inside me right now and give me your gift of righteousness, which I have learned is your 'stamp of approval'. Do a work in me. Make me a "new man" In your precious name, I pray. Amen (so be it).

Let me know if you prayed this!

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