Sunday, December 27, 2009

Vampire Movies! Can We Learn Something From Them?

Have you ever noticed in the story line how vampires can not handle the daylight? They have to sleep in the coffin during that time. A lot of the things they have to do can be compared in an analogy to God and the devil (Satan).
Think about this. A vampire starts to die in the daylight. They always show the drama when the light hits them. It is the same way with the devil (Satan). He cannot exist in the 'light' for he is darkness and evil. Of course 'light' means something different for the devil. So just what is the 'light' for the devil? The 'Word of God'!!

John 1:1,4,5 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 4. In Him was life; and the life was the 'light' of man. 5. And the 'light' shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended (Latin- "take hold of, seized") it not.

In the movie, during the day 'light', we were safe from vampires but at night or in the 'darkness' we weren't. So if we think of the vampire being the devil or 'darkness' and the day 'light' is 'the Word' then it only makes sense to stay in 'the Word' (the light) to keep the devil (vampire) from seizing us.

For those who don't know what 'the Word' is, it is "God's Word", the "Bible". How do we stay in the 'Word'? Read it, do it, know it in your heart (write it on the tablet of your heart). Then the devil cannot apprehend you!

Vampires have to drink blood to stay alive, any body's blood. Satan sucks the life right out of you! It only took one time of Jesus' blood shed for everybody's atonement; past, present, future, for those who believed in Him.

The coffin in the vampire story, I would say represents death. The vampire (Satan) is dead. The 'Word' is life as it says in John 1:4 "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men." Satan is spiritually dead and since the 'Word' is 'life', then the 'Word' overcomes death. Hm...another reason to stay in the Word!

The stake in the heart. Well, that could represent the 'spiritual sword'. Hebrews 4:12 says 'For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and morrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart. This says the 'Word' is a 'spiritual sword',(a double edged sword). The Word is!

So... when we fling (say) the 'Word' towards the devil (Satan), we are battling, we have an offensive weapon towards Satan! Take note. I said offensive, not defensive weapon!

Oh yeah! And in the movie when they raise up the cross towards the vampire(Satan)? I think they are saying "MY GOD IS BIGGER THAN YOU! Ha!

Note: I have noticed there has been some advertising on becoming a vampire with this post.These are done by keywords and I have no way that I know of to stop this so I apologize ahead of time for this promotion.